瀏覽人次:41058644 |
又名 朱砂根、圓齒紫金牛 大羅傘、紅銅盤
英文名稱 : Ardisia crenata
科 : 紫金牛科
原產地 : 中國、馬來西亞、日本
葉 : 互生、葉短柄、長橢圓形,葉邊圓扇形和波浪形。葉面綠色、葉背淺綠。
花 : 花序聚生、有廿朵。白色帶有紫色斑點。花冠深裂五瓣。徵香花期6-7月。
果 : 核果細小圓形、紅色漿果。可藥用。果期10-12月。
特徵 : 常綠野生灌木,細小分枝多。高約四公尺、結鮮紅果實,長數月不跌、可觀性、常見野山。種子可榨油、可供制肥皂。果紅耀眼、現多作盆栽觀賞、新春期間、作吉祥如意的年宵花市。亦可點綴公園、庭院、校園綠化。
栽培 : 喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、排水良好泥土。適溫15度-28度。
繁殖 : 種子、嫁接。
Rich seeds----------WongMan Sing
Also known as cinnabar root, scalloped Myrsinaceae large Luo umbrella, redcopper coil
English name : Ardisia crenata
Section: Myrsinaceae
Country of Origin: China , Malaysia, Japan
Leaves: alternate, leaves short handle , oblong , circular fan leaves and wavyedges . Foliage green , dorsal light green .
Flowers: Inflorescence consortium , has twenty flowers . White with purplespots. Corolla deeply lobed five . Levy of flowers from June to July .
Fruit : drupe small round, red berries. Pharmaceutically acceptable . Fruitfrom October to December .
Features: evergreenwild shrub , small branches and more . Height of about four meters , knot redfruit , a few months is not a long fall , observability , common wild . Seedoil extraction , soap available . Bright red fruit , now make more ornamentalplants , during the Chinese New Year , Lunar New Year Fair for good luck . Alsoadorn parks, gardens , campus greening .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile , well-drained soil. Optimumtemperature of 15 degrees -28 degrees.
Propagation: seed , grafting .