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金馬崙高原是1885年英國探測家威廉斯•金馬崙(en:William Cameron)在一個測圖行動中所發現而命名的。1925年佐治•瑪史威公爵(en:Sir George Maxwell) 參觀這裡後,將其發展為避暑勝地,完成了一條通往打巴的公路。公路通車後,英國的高官顯要都在此建築別墅,一些還定居並開發此高原。不久後,一個永久的英軍軍營在此成立。1929年約翰•艾琪拔•路雪(en:John Archibald Russell),當時英國的總督之子,在此發展茶葉種植,直到第二次世界大戰為止。1957年金馬崙高原轉交馬來亞聯邦政府管理。由於金馬崙高原良好的自然環境與涼爽的氣候,成為馬來西亞著名的度假勝地。遊客最多的地方屬茶園、花園、蔬菜園、草莓園,還有蜜蜂園、蝴蝶園和仙人掌世界等。此外金馬崙高原還保存有原始森林,並有依斯干達瀑布(Lata Iskandar)和羅賓盛瀑布(Robinson Fall)等景點。
Cameron Highlands is a 1885 British probe home Williams • Cameron (en: William Cameron) in a mapping operation discovered and named. • Ma Shiwei 1925 George Duke: After (en Sir George Maxwell) visit here, to develop it as a summer resort, completed a road leading to Pakistan to fight. After the highway, a prominent British officials in this building villas, some have settled and developed this plateau. Shortly after, a permanent establishment of the British Army barracks in this. 1929 John Stubbs • • Yiqi road snow (en: John Archibald Russell), the son of the then British Governor, in which the development of tea plantations, until World War II. Cameron Highlands in 1957, referred to the Malayan federal government management. Cameron Highlands due to good natural environment and cool climate, became famous resort in Malaysia. Tea is the most visited place, garden, vegetable garden, Strawberry Park, as well as bee garden, butterfly garden and cactus in the world and so on. Besides Cameron Highlands is also the preservation of the original forest, and Iskandar Waterfall (Lata Iskandar) and Robin Mason Falls (Robinson Fall) and other attractions.