瀏覽人次:41059024 |
使君子--王民聲 又名五棱子、留球子、四君子、冬均子
英文名稱:Quisqualis indica
科 :使君子科
原產地 :中國、印度、緬甸、菲律賓地區
葉 :對生葉、長橢圓形、葉片膜質。
花 :頂生穗狀花序、形成傘房花序、五瓣、初為白色、後來為紅色。5-9月為花期、華南地區可四季開花。有香氣。
果 :卵形、白色種子。6月果期。
特徵 :常綠或落葉藤本植物。中國長江以南可以種植。葉茂花繁。適合公園、園林綠化。種子可藥用。可驅蛔虫。
栽培 :喜濕潤、全日照、一搬肥沃、排水良好泥土。適溫22℃-30℃。
繁殖 :一般用扦插法、分株法。
Quisqualis - ,WongMan Sing, also known as five lattices , leaving the ball son, four gentlemenand winter are sub-
Name : Quisqualis indica
Family: Combretaceae
Country of Origin: China , India, Myanmar , the Philippines region
Leaves : The leaves , oblong leaves membranous.
Flowers: terminal spikes , forming a corymb , five , first as white , then red.May to September is flowering , southern China four seasons flowering. Aroma.
Fruit : oval, white seeds. June fruit.
Features:evergreen or deciduous vine . South China's Yangtze Rivercan be grown . Leafy flower fan . Suitable for parks, landscaping . Seeds canbe medicinal. Can drive roundworm .
Cultivation : hi moist, full sun , a move fertile , well-drained soil. Optimumtemperature 22 ℃ -30 ℃.
Reproduction: general use cutting method , tiller law .