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異葉南洋杉--王民聲 又名肯氏南洋杉、鱗葉南洋杉、細葉南洋杉、塔形南洋杉
英文名稱:Araucaria heferophylla
科 :南洋杉科
原產地 :羅福島
葉 :細小而堅硬,葉緊密覆狀排列。向橫伸展而下垂。葉尖彎曲。兩側扁、上具多數氣孔線。有白粉。
花 :雌雄不同株。大樹花果枝上的葉排列較密、寛卵形、三角狀卵形、具白粉。雄球花單生枝頂、圓柱形,春夏花期。
果 :球果、花後18個月果實成熟。
特徵 :常綠喬木,可六十米高。圓柱形。先端尖,似塔形。有橫伸展之枝條。生長緩慢。由英國船長曲氏在羅福島發現。如尖端被切斷。向上生長極難。適合公園、庭院、校園、公路種植。亦可盆栽種植,佈置禮堂、客廳等。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫18℃-28℃。
繁殖 :種子、扦插。
DifferentAraucaria –Wong Man Sing also known as Norfolk Island Araucaria, Araucaria heterophylla,Araucaria pumilum, Tower-shaped Araucaria
English name:Araucaria heferophylla
Family: Araucariaceae
Country of origin:Norfolk Island
Leaves: a small,hard, his close ranks. Transverse stretching and
sagging. Bent tip.Most stomatal lines on the flat, on both sides. White powder.
Flowers: male andfemale with different plant. Trees flower and fruit tree leaf arrange morefrequent, Kuan oval, triangular-shaped oval, white powder. Male flowerssolitary top, cylindrical, spring/summer season.
Fruits: cones,spend 18 months after ripening.
Description:evergreen tree, 60 metres high. Cylindrical. Apex pointed, like a pyramid.Horizontal stretching of branches. Slow-growing. The United Kingdom Captain Qufound in Norfolk Island. If the tip is cut off.Upward growth is extremely difficult. Suitable for parks, gardens, schools,road plant. Potted plants, release reset halls, living rooms and so on.
Cultivation:prefers sunshine and moist, fertile, loose, well-drained soil. Optimumtemperature of 18 ° c-28 ° c.
Propagation: seeds,cuttings.