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發財樹--王民聲 又名馬拉巴粟、美國花生、大果木棉、南洋土豆
英文名稱:Pachira macrocarpa
科 :木棉科
原產地 :熱帶美洲
葉 :掌狀複葉、小葉5-7片、長葉柄、長橢圓形、全緣。
花 :花大,單生、花苞綠色,花白色、花瓣綠狀,成煙火放射。雄蕊聚集成筒狀、花期春天。
果 :蒴果、球形。
特徵 :常綠喬木、直立樹幹,莖部肥大、側枝環狀輪生、樹冠呈傘形、高10m,葉片碩大明顯、樹形層層分明。適合公園、庭園、校園、路邊種植、亦可盆栽種植作室內美化環境。花農為了好銷量、改名發財樹。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫16℃-28℃。
繁殖 :播種。
Fortune tree-- WongMan Sing
Also known as Malabarmillet, United Statespeanut, Large fruit kapok, Nanyang potatoes.
English name:Pachira Macrocarpa
Family : Bombacaceae
Country of Origin:tropical America
Leaves: palmatecompound leaves, rosette 5-7, long petiole, long, oval, full rim.
Flowers: flowers,solitary, Bud green, flowers white, petals green, smoke emission. Stamensclustered into a cylinder shape, flowering in the spring.
Fruits: capsule,spherical.
Description:evergreen tree, vertical tree trunks, stem hypertrophy, lateral cycliclunsheng, canopy umbrella, high 10m, obvious and tree layers of leaves ofbigness. It is Suitable for parks, gardens, campuses, roadside planting andpotted plant for interior landscaping. Florists to renamed good sales, moneytree.
Cultivation:prefers sunshine and moist, fertile, loose, well-drained soil. Optimum Temperature16 ° c-28 ° c.