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假蘋婆--王民聲 又名山木棉、雞冠皮
英文名稱:Sterculia lanceolata
科 :梧桐科
原產地 :中國、越南
葉 :橢圓形、披針形。
花 :不顯著之細小綠色、粉紅色花、花期4-6月。
果 :果為5枚半月形之莢果組成、排列成星狀、由綠色、轉為黃色、橙黃色、熟則深紅色、莢果分裂、內有2列黑種子。果期7-9月。
特徵 :常綠野生小喬木、生長迅速、高6m、有濃密簇之樹冠、適合不當風之地方種植。6-7月常更換其葉、新葉很迅速替換。適合公園、山坡、山麓種植綠化環境。種子可食用、榨油、莖皮纖維可作麻袋的原料。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆、排水良好泥土。適溫22℃-30℃。
繁殖 :種子。
Sterculic – Wong Man Sing, other name mountains kapok, King Cock
English name:Sterculia lanceolata
Country of origin:China, Viet Nam
Leaves: oval,lanceolate.
Flowers: notnotable small green, pink, flower, flowering 4-6 month.
Fruits: fruit for 5gold lunula of pod composition, arranged in a star shape, from green, toyellow, Orange, deep red, yellow, cooked the pod to split, with 2 columns,black seeds. Fruit period 7-9 months. Description: wild Evergreen small tree,grows fast and high Crown, improper fit of 6m, there are dense clusters of theplanting of the winds. In June-July, replacing its leaves, the leaves arequickly replaced. Suitable for parks, hills, foothills of planting a greenenvironment. Edible seeds, oil, stem bark fibers can be used for sacks of rawmaterials.
Cultivation:prefers sunshine and moist, fertile, loose, well-drained soil. Optimum Temperature22 ° c-30 ° c.