瀏覽人次:41297340 |
洛神花--王民聲 又名玫瑰茄、洛神葵、山茄子
英文名稱:Hibiscus sabdariffa
科 :錦葵科
原產地 :東半球熱帶地區
葉 :互生、短圓形、先端尖或鈍。基部圓形、葉緣具鋸齒。
花 :單生、葉腋出、花冠大、深黃色、花萼肉質、杯形、鮮紅色。
果 :蒴果。
特徵 :一年生草本,高可1-2米。花與果常用作切花用、花萼可提煉紅色素的果膠、是食物的染色劑、莖皮的纖維可做繩索、花可入藥調節血壓、改善睡眠。適合公園、庭院、校園種植。
栽培 :喜日照、濕潤、肥沃、疏鬆排水良好泥土。適溫20℃-30℃。
繁殖 :一般播種。
Roselle - Wong Man Sing, Roselle, mountain eggplant
English Name:Hibiscus sabdariffa
Family: Malvaceae
Country of origin:the Old World tropics
Leaves: alternate,short, apex acute or obtuse rounded. Base rounded, margin serrate leaf.
Flowers solitary,axillary: a large, deep yellow, corolla, calyx cup-shaped, fleshy, bright red.
Results: thecapsule.
Feature: annualherb, 1-2 meters high. The flowers and fruits used to cut spending, calyx canbe extracted red pigment, pectin food coloring agent, bark fiber can rope, theflower can be used as medicine for regulating blood pressure, improve sleep.For the park, garden, the campus plant.
Cultivation: Hisunshine, moist, fertile, loose well drained soil. Optimum temperature 20℃ -- 30℃ .
Propagation:General seeding.