瀏覽人次:41059398 |
埃及藍睡連--王民聲 又名藍睡蓮
科 :睡蓮科
原產地 :非洲熱帶地區
葉 :卵圓形、中綠色、葉背紫色斑、基部裂片突起。
花 :星狀、淺藍色、花大、花徑15㎝、內瓣稍淺、雄蕊黃色、夏天花期。
果 :漿果、7-10月果期。
特徵 :多年生水生植物、生沼澤地方、根在水底泥土中、中年開花、可開三四天。適合水池種植。大龍江亦可種植。高15-20㎝。株幅2.5-3m。
栽培 :喜日照、生於水中、肥沃沙質泥土中。適溫20℃-32℃。可底溫度
繁殖 :分株、種子。
Egyptianblue sleep even --------- Wong Man Sing,, also known as Blue water lily
Name : Nymphaeaceae
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Country of Origin: tropical regions of Africa
Leaves: oval, medium green , dorsal purple spots, basal lobes protruding .
Flower: star, blue , flower big , flower diameter 15 cm, inner flap slightlylighter , yellow stamen , summer flowering .
Fruit : berry fruit ,7- October period .
Characteristics:perennial aquatic plant , swamp areas , the root in the bottom mud ,middle-aged flowering , can open three four days. Suitable for pond cultivation. Big Longjiang also planted . Height 15-20 cm . Plant width 2.5-3m.
Cultivation : hi sunshine , born in water , fertile sandy soil . Optimumtemperature 20 ℃-32 ℃.Bottom temperature can be
0 ℃
Reproduction: Ramet , seeds.