瀏覽人次:41057776 |
香睡蓮--王民聲 又名睡蓮黃花
英文名稱:Nymphaea odorata
科 :睡蓮科
原產地 :美國東部、北部
葉 :卵圓形至圓形、葉面光滑、中綠色或青銅色至紫紅色、葉徑15-30 cm、基部具缺裂。
花 :由杯狀後變星狀、芳香。花徑10-22 cm,花瓣24-32枚。雄蕊黃色、夏天花期。
果 :漿果7-10月果期。
特徵 :多年生水植物、生沼澤地方,根在水底泥土中、中年開花、可開三四天。適合、水池種植、大龍江亦可種植。高15-20 cm。株幅
1.2-1.8 cm
栽培 :喜日照、生于水中、肥沃沙質土中、。適溫20℃-32℃。
繁殖 :分株、種子。
Fragrantwater li---- Wong Man Sing
English name : Nymphaea odorata
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Country of Origin: United States East, North
Leaves: oval to round , glossy , medium green or bronze to purple , leafdiameter 15-30 cm, base with a lack of crack .
Flower: stellate after the change from the cup , aroma. Flower diameter 10-22cm, petals 24-32 pieces . Yellow stamen , summer flowering .
Fruit : berry fruit from July to October .
Characteristics:perennial aquatic plant , swamp areas , the root in the bottom mud ,middle-aged flowering , can open three four days. Good , pool planting,planting large Longjiang also . Height 15-20 cm. Plant width
1.2-1.8 cm
Cultivation : hi sunshine , born in water , fertile sandy soil . Optimumtemperature 20 ℃ -32 ℃.
Reproduction: Ramet , seeds.