瀏覽人次:41424911 |
英文名稱:Nelumbo nucifera
科 :睡蓮科
原產地 :中國
葉 :在莖節生長,浮葉在水面,立葉在水面之上,盾狀圓形,邊全緣或波狀。光滑被蠟質,可盛水珠。
花 : 開花在水面上。花瓣約二十片,成盆形。有紅,白,紫,或雙色。6-9月為花期。
果 :蓮蓬生長在倒圓錐形的花托上,內有小孔,內含堅果(即蓮子),可食用。
特徵 :多年生水生植物。地下莖,即年藕,肥大多節,長圓柱形,許多中空管。 夏天開花,夜合,可開三至十天,生於污泥中,如池塘。從愛蓮說詩中亦可以說出蓮花特徵 - 「出污泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香遠益清,亭亭淨植,可遠觀而不可褻玩焉。」愛蓮說作者周敦頤。
栽培 : 喜日照 , 水中,含有機質的肥沃黏質塘坭。適溫22度-32度。
繁殖 :一般分株法。
Nelumbo nucifera-------Wong Man Sing
Also known as: Aka Lotus , WaterLotus , Fuqu , lotus flower
English name : Nelumbo nucifera
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves : In the internode growth , floating leaves in the water, leaves abovethe water stand , shield -shaped round, margin entire or undulate . Smooth iswaxy , can hold water droplets .
Flower: flowers onthe water. Petals about twenty , basin shape. Red, white , purple, or color .June to September is flowering .
Fruit : lotus grows in the inverted conical receptacle , there are holes,containing nuts ( ie seeds ), edible.
Characteristics : Perennial aquatic plants. Underground stems , that was lotus, multi-section mast , long cylindrical, many hollow tube . Summer flowering ,night together , can open three to ten days , was born in the sludge , such asponds . Reminiscence poem can also tell from Lotus feature - " I do like lotus that is clean even growing in the muddy pond. It is so pure, delicate andbright. The lotus is consistent, continuous and coherent deep inside. It appears to be straight, proper and honest. It gives a fantastically good smell and people could even sense its excellent smell far away. It has no unnecessary branches. It can be only appreciated distantly but not touched blasphemously. " Reminiscence of Zhou .
Cultivation : hisunshine, water , organic matter containing fertile clayey Tong Nai . Optimumtemperature of 22℃ -32 ℃.
Reproduction: General ramets .