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英文名稱: Camellia Japuonica
科 : 山茶科
原産地 : 中國
葉 : 單葉互生, 革質, 厚堅硬, 橢圓形, 卵形, 先端漸尖。深綠色, 邊有小齒。
花 : 花型多, 春天、冬天開花, 花大。有單瓣及重瓣。2-3月爲花期。含花蕾時間長。
果 : 蒴果褐色。9-10月爲果期。種子可榨油。
特徵 : 常綠喬木或灌木, 耐寒, 生長緩慢, 高二公尺。四大珍品重有花鶴翎, 花芙蓉, 花佛頂, 花牡丹。其餘重瓣有白寶塔, 五彩牡丹, 十八學士, 五寶等。花蕾入藥,具涼血散瘀功效。讚頌茶花以陸遊的詩: 東園三月雨兼風,桃李飄零掃地空,惟有山茶偏耐久,綠叢叢又放枝紅。
栽培 : 喜半日照, 耐旱、喜濕潤、疏鬆、排水良好、含腐殖質而微酸性泥土。適溫15℃-25℃
繁殖 : 一般用扦插或嫁接法。6-9月爲扦插期。
Camellia-----------Wong Man Sing
Also known as :camellia , sea pomegranate, Naidong , Sichuan camellias, Yu Ming flowers,mountains Tsubaki
English name : Camellia Japuonica
Family: Theaceae
Country of Origin: China
Leaves: alternate, leathery, thick and hard, oval, ovate, apex acuminate. Darkgreen , while there are small teeth .
Flowers: flowers and more, spring, winter flowering , flowers large . Are illand plena . 2-3 months of flowering . With buds long time.
Fruit : Capsule brown. September-October for the fruit. Seed oil extraction .
Features:evergreen tree or shrub , hardy , slow growth, sophomore meters. There are fourtreasures heavy crane feathers flower , hibiscus flower , flower Foding ,flower peony. The remaining petals with white pagodas, colorful peonies, eighthdegree , five treasure and so on. Bud medicine , with a cooling blood stasiseffect. Camellia tribute poem by Lu : East Park March rain and wind, peachesand plums wandering sweeping air , only partial durable camellia , green, redpatches and put sticks
Cultivation :hi half sunshine , drought, hi moist , loose, well-drained , slightly acidic soilwith humus while . Optimum temperature 15 ℃ -25 ℃
Reproduction: general use cuttings or grafting . June-September period for thecuttings .