瀏覽人次:41548753 |
環保學會於12月7日午膳時間,邀請了校長林建華博士、吳宏基副校長和周美蘭助理校長,於家長資源中心旁邊的「綠色主題園圃」主持完工儀式。為了慶祝校慶 60週年,環保學會的同學在林志洋老師和義務導師王民聲先生的帶領下,於10月至12月的午膳或放學時間,花了接近兩個月時間,用過千棵仙人掌在「綠色主 題園圃」設計和砌出「FSS 60」字樣,標誌著學校辦學已達一個甲子,學校發展將進入另一個新階段。在籌備這個活動的整個過程過程中,同學們充份發揮了團結和互助的精神。
"Green themegardens" completion ceremony Institute of environmental protection onDecember 7 during lunch time, invited President Dr Lin Jianhua, Vice PresidentWu Hongji and Mei Lan Zhou, Assistant principal, in the parent's resourcecentre next to the "Green theme gardens" officiated at the completionceremony. To celebrated celebration 60 week years, environmental learned ofstudents in Lin Zhiyang teacher and obligations mentor Wong Man Sing of leading,at October to December of lunch or school time, spent has near two months time,with had thousand tree cactus in "green theme garden" design andmasonry out "FSS 60" words, marks school running has up sixty years,school development will entered another new stage. In preparation for thisactivity in the whole process of students and brought into full play to thespirit of solidarity and mutual aid.