2016 (one person a flower) theme flowers [Cui Luli]
Blue flowers - WongMan Sing and celebrities word grass, Cui Lu Li
Name : Ruellia brittomana
Family: Acanthaceae
Country of Origin: Mexico
Leaves: opposite, linear-lanceolate , all green or sparsely toothed.
Flowers: axillary, corolla funnel-shaped , blue- purple. Flowering spring toautumn.
Fruit : Capsule , brown when ripe . Fruit of summer, autumn.
Features: A smallevergreen shrub , 30-100 cm high . Stems square grooves . Fast growth, blue andelegant, suitable for parks, gardens , schools , street , rocks edge, flowerbeds, flower border planting, potted plants can beautify the home .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile, loose , well-drained soil. Optimumtemperature 22 ℃ -30 ℃.
Propagation: cuttings , division .