Number of branches flowers meaning--------Wong Man Sing
1-------You are only/fall in love
2-------The intimate falls in love/has mutual affinity
3-------I love you
4-------Makes a solemn pledge of eternal love
5-------Does not have angry regretless
6-------Proceed smoothly without a hitch
7------Happy chance meeting
8------Developed prosperous/propitious pleasant
9------Forever will follow
10-----Entire beautiful/sincere and honest
11-----In the heart most loves/wholeheartedly
12-----All the Year lucky/complete love
16----- Proceed smoothly without a hitch
18-----The source of wealth enters/ Young and beautiful
19-----Permanent love
20-----Generation after generation love
22-----Likes following/couples
24-----All the time missing
27-----Love your wife
29-----Loves permanent
30-----In does not say
33-----I love you forever
51-----In my heart only then your
66-----Loves without limits
99-----For ever and ever/forever love
100----The happy union lasting a hundred years/grows old together 101----Until forever/only love
110----Inexhaustible love
365----Every day love
999 ----Inexhaustible loves
10000 -------- Love your for 10,000 years