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Rich seeds----------WongMan Sing
Also known as cinnabar root, scalloped Myrsinaceae large Luo umbrella, redcopper coil
English name : Ardisia crenata
Section: Myrsinaceae
Country of Origin: China , Malaysia, Japan
Leaves: alternate, leaves short handle , oblong , circular fan leaves and wavyedges . Foliage green , dorsal light green .
Flowers: Inflorescence consortium , has twenty flowers . White with purplespots. Corolla deeply lobed five . Levy of flowers from June to July .
Fruit : drupe small round, red berries. Pharmaceutically acceptable . Fruitfrom October to December .
Features: evergreenwild shrub , small branches and more . Height of about four meters , knot redfruit , a few months is not a long fall , observability , common wild . Seedoil extraction , soap available . Bright red fruit , now make more ornamentalplants , during the Chinese New Year , Lunar New Year Fair for good luck . Alsoadorn parks, gardens , campus greening .
Cultivation : hi sunshine , moist, fertile , well-drained soil. Optimumtemperature of 15 degrees -28 degrees.
Propagation: seed , grafting .