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英文名稱:Dendranthema Molium
科 :菊科
原産地 :中國黃河流域和河南伏牛山區
葉 :卵圓形,狹長圓形。邊有缺刻,鋸齒。單葉互生,葉背有茸毛。
花 :頭狀花序,大小不等,花瓣形態不同,千變萬化,花色甚多,觀賞價值極高。花期為5月至翠年1月。
果 :瘦果小,黃褐色,冬天果期。
特徵 :多年生草本,有數千品種。與牡丹、蘭花、月季、杜鵑、山茶、荷花、桂花、水仙、梅花被列爲中國十大名花。每年五月至明年一月。分夏菊,秋菊,寒菊三種。以整枝而分大立菊、獨本菊、多頭菊、塔菊和懸崖菊。贊頌菊花以陶淵明的詩:「芳菊開林耀,青松冠岩列。懷此貞秀姿,卓爲霜下傑。」這首詩將菊花描繪得高潔、雋逸、淋漓盡致。
栽培 :喜陽光、濕潤。耐旱,喜深厚,排水良好泥土。適合15℃-22℃。
繁殖 :一般有扦插、嫁接、分株法。
Chrysanthemum---------------Wong Man Sing
Also known as:Sou Ke , FuYanNian, Di Nu , JinYing , QiuJu , Ju Hua.
English name : Dendranthema Molium
Family: Asteraceae
Country of Origin: China Yellow River and the mountains of Henan barberry
Leaves: oval, narrowly oblong . Edge notched , serrated . Leaves alternate ,with dorsal hairs .
Flowers: capitulum, sizes, different shapes petal , kaleidoscopic , many colors , high ornamentalvalue . Flowering from May to January Tsui .
Fruit : achene small , brown, winter fruit .
Characteristics: perennial herb, there are thousands of varieties. With peonies , orchids, roses, azaleas , camellias , lotus , osmanthus , narcissus, plum was listed as China's top ten flowers . May to January next year. Of summer daisy, Chrysanthemum,cold chrysanthemum three. Pruning and points to Dahia pinnata, independent Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum,towers Chrysanthemum and cliffs Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum in Tao Yuanming's poem praising : " Chrysanthemum opened at the woods dazzling brilliance ,pine stand upright in the rock stalwart . Chrysanthemum such constancybeautiful grace, Zoran erect image, arguably be called the hero." Thispoem will chrysanthemums depicted noble character., Joyous, Vividly .
Cultivation : Itlikes sun and moist . Drought, hi deep, well drained soil . Suitable for 15 ℃ -22 ℃.
Reproduction: generally cuttings, grafting , ramets .